
We're Lexi & John Kirn
We both have backgrounds in the arts. Lexi graduated Fort Hays State University with a Bachelor's of Arts in Interior Design. She also is a painter and self-proclaimed art instructor. Her side hustles include painting pet portraits, leading Wine and Paint events, and keeping the local arts council in line!
John graduated from the Colorado Institute of Art (now The Art Institute of Colorado) with a Bachelor's in Visual Communications.
Lexi does the bulk of the design and framing while John keeps the building in repair and mans the storefront if Lexi needs to make a supply run! He is also a great third opinion when a client and Lexi just can't decide on one frame design!
"How did you come up with the name Crooked Nail?"
We hear this asked quite a lot, and always chuckle- we guess people are curious to know the story behind our little shop- and its funny name!
We took over in 2011 when the former owner was planning on closing up shop-
We approached her to see if she would be willing to sell us the operation. She loved the idea of keeping the store going, and after spending some time with us, knew she was leaving her business in good hands.
She turned the building over to us in good condition (only needing a little paint) but she said it wasn't that way when she bought it! Lots of renovations and pulling old nails to get it to the place it's in today- she said the whole family joined in to help and as they were working, they would say:
"There's a crooked nail, and there's another crooked nail..." The name just kinda stuck!
Thanks for visiting our site and checking out our story. Our business is preserving memories- and our shop is about building memories too!
What we do:

Crooked Nail Studio-
Custom Picture Framing and Art Studio
We provide a large selection of colored mat boards and frame samples to design the perfect look in showcasing your artwork! We are proud to use the framing industry's best products in preserving your treasured pieces, and do so with care and attention to every detail. We offer everything from golden ornate frames to simple, classic black options. We have many tools to help you create the perfect look in complimenting your art piece!
Once a design is picked, every frame is hand assembled by the owner herself, to assure quality and care are put into each piece that comes into and leaves her shop.
From the frame, glazing, mats, mounting, and finishing up- every piece is ready to hang when it leaves here- but we are perfectionists, so it won't leave until it is RIGHT!
We frame more than just pictures!
Here is a list of many items we can frame and turn your memorabilia into something to hang on the wall with pride!
Belt Buckles & Medals
Jewelry & Antique Buttons
Team Jerseys
Baby Clothes
Military Uniforms
Needlepoint Stretching
Crochet & Quilt Block Mounting
Puzzle & Poster Mounting
Canvas Stretching
We like a challenge, so if you can get it in our shop, we can probably get it in a frame!
We frame everything that comes through our doors with care and by hand, so each piece is preserved for future generations to appreciate. No glues or permanent adhesives are used in our mounting procedures for delicate and valued items. We take every step to ensure the work we do is reversible in case it needs to be removed from its frame at any time in the future.
We follow the framer's motto: Do No Harm!
Some frames are in great condition, but the mat is faded and worn out- leaving the artwork inside looking tired and outdated. We can give the piece a facelift with a new mat and fresh new look to compliment your ever-changing decor!
We can replace glazing in a frame with our different glass and plexiglass options. We offer TruVue Framers Glazing in:​
Conservation Clear 99% UV protection
Conservation Non-Glare 99% UV protection
Museum Glass 99% UV protection with Anti-Reflection control
Plexiglass Clear
Plexiglass Non-Glare
Crooked Nail Studio is also a creative space! We have commissioned several art projects, mostly including Lexi's Pet Portraits, but we have also used the space to paint banners for the Ottawa County Arts and Humanities Council and offer art classes to the community!